Widowed Friends
September 2022
Mon. Sept. 12 & Oct. 3, 10 A.M. Breakfast, Archie’s Restaurant. 30471 Plymouth Rd. Livonia. Call the Event Coordinator Tom 586-216-1454
Tues. Sept. 6, 1:30 P.M. Lunch at Mission BBQ 20420 Haggerty Rd. at 8 Mile Rd. (across from Meijer) Call Gloria 734-459-7995
Thurs. Sept, 8, 22 & Oct. 13, 27, Men Only Breakfast at Steve’s Family Restaurant (2nd & 4th Thurs. of the month) 15800 Middlebelt, Livonia. Enjoy friendly conversation on many topics. Call Dick 313-534-0399.
Friday Sept. 9 thru Nov.11 (10 weeks) 2:00 P.M. A fun afternoon every Friday this fall at Westland Bowl 5940 N. Wayne Rd. Bowl 2 games of 9 pin no-tap. Cost $7.00 per week includes bowling plus banquet, awards, special contests and prizes at the end of the season. Teams are forming now. Call the Event Coordinator Gerry by August 29 734-259-5024
Monday, Sept. 12 thru Nov. 28, 12:30 – 1:15 P.M. Exercise and have fun too! St. Colette Activity Center 17600 Newburgh Rd. Livonia (2) Six week sessions $25 each session, payable at first class. Call the Event Coordinator Gerry 734-259-5024
Tues. Sept 13 & Oct. 4 Early Morning Movie at The Phoenix Theater at Laurel Park. Check out some of the new movies then enjoy a nice lunch! Call Elaine for both 734-717-0303
Thurs. Sept. 15, 2:00 P.M. Miniature Golf Tournament at Sportway of Westland 38520 Ford Rd. (just west of Hix) Westland. 8.00 greens fee Then off to Texas Roadhouse or Mavericks !! Call the event Coordinator Gerry by Sept 5 at 734-259-5024.
Sunday, Sept. 18, 2:00 P.M. Widowed Friends Mass and Pot Luck Luncheon at Resurrection Parish, 48755 Warren Rd., Canton. Please either call or sign up on the reservation sheet and volunteer your dish to pass. Call the Event Coordinator Tom 586-216-1454.
Wed. Sept. 21, 5:00 – 9:00 P.M. Enjoy a Family-Style Polish Dinner, Carl Stitt Post 23850 Military, Dearborn Hgts. $20 includes dinner, beer, wine, tax & tip. Stay to enjoy games and conversation with friends. Minimum 50 people, please call early to Carol 313-562-3080.
Tues. Sept. 27, 9:30 A.M. Morning coffee/Charley’s Deli & Grille, 16873 Haggerty at 6 Mile. Please contact Gloria the Event Coordinator 734-459-7995 by Sept. 20.
SAVE THE DATE: Holiday Mass Sunday Nov. 20 at Resurrection Parish with Lunch, Christmas Dinner Party Wednesday, Dec. 14 at Stefan’s Banquet Center. Watch newsletter for details.
Tues. Sept. 6, 1:30 P.M. Lunch at Mission BBQ 20420 Haggerty Rd. at 8 Mile Rd. (across from Meijer) Call Gloria 734-459-7995
Thurs. Sept, 8, 22 & Oct. 13, 27, Men Only Breakfast at Steve’s Family Restaurant (2nd & 4th Thurs. of the month) 15800 Middlebelt, Livonia. Enjoy friendly conversation on many topics. Call Dick 313-534-0399.
Friday Sept. 9 thru Nov.11 (10 weeks) 2:00 P.M. A fun afternoon every Friday this fall at Westland Bowl 5940 N. Wayne Rd. Bowl 2 games of 9 pin no-tap. Cost $7.00 per week includes bowling plus banquet, awards, special contests and prizes at the end of the season. Teams are forming now. Call the Event Coordinator Gerry by August 29 734-259-5024
Monday, Sept. 12 thru Nov. 28, 12:30 – 1:15 P.M. Exercise and have fun too! St. Colette Activity Center 17600 Newburgh Rd. Livonia (2) Six week sessions $25 each session, payable at first class. Call the Event Coordinator Gerry 734-259-5024
Tues. Sept 13 & Oct. 4 Early Morning Movie at The Phoenix Theater at Laurel Park. Check out some of the new movies then enjoy a nice lunch! Call Elaine for both 734-717-0303
Thurs. Sept. 15, 2:00 P.M. Miniature Golf Tournament at Sportway of Westland 38520 Ford Rd. (just west of Hix) Westland. 8.00 greens fee Then off to Texas Roadhouse or Mavericks !! Call the event Coordinator Gerry by Sept 5 at 734-259-5024.
Sunday, Sept. 18, 2:00 P.M. Widowed Friends Mass and Pot Luck Luncheon at Resurrection Parish, 48755 Warren Rd., Canton. Please either call or sign up on the reservation sheet and volunteer your dish to pass. Call the Event Coordinator Tom 586-216-1454.
Wed. Sept. 21, 5:00 – 9:00 P.M. Enjoy a Family-Style Polish Dinner, Carl Stitt Post 23850 Military, Dearborn Hgts. $20 includes dinner, beer, wine, tax & tip. Stay to enjoy games and conversation with friends. Minimum 50 people, please call early to Carol 313-562-3080.
Tues. Sept. 27, 9:30 A.M. Morning coffee/Charley’s Deli & Grille, 16873 Haggerty at 6 Mile. Please contact Gloria the Event Coordinator 734-459-7995 by Sept. 20.
SAVE THE DATE: Holiday Mass Sunday Nov. 20 at Resurrection Parish with Lunch, Christmas Dinner Party Wednesday, Dec. 14 at Stefan’s Banquet Center. Watch newsletter for details.
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |