About UsLadies in Faith Together: Living the Gospel Through Community, Service & Prayer
Upcoming EventWednesday, September 25, 2024 at 7 PM
Ladies, join us in the social hall as we welcome guest speaker Teresa Rose from Our Lady of Refuge (OLR). The evening will include prayer, food, and Teresa's presentation about OLR's food pantry and the ways we can help our sister parish with this very important Christian Service opportunity.
Our service project is helping to fill their pantry with the items they need most. Here is the list: Canned Tuna, Baked Beans, Boxes of cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Pasta, Tomato/Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit, Cans of Chili, Stew, Ramen Noodles, Mustard, Catsup, and Spaghettios. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate items for the pantry, please bring them to Mass and place them in the bins by the Usher's Room (not St. Christine’s bin). Please register below, or contact Peggy Aoun or 248-553-4610 ext. 254. |
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |