Resurrection Cross
The BLUE TAGS include suggestions for clothing, toiletries or baby items.
Another Way Pregnancy Center: baby shampoo, lotion, diaper ointment, diaper bags, baby clothes sizes 12 months-2T, diapers size 3, 4, 5, & 6, infant/baby shoes, board books, bottles, breast pumps.
Department of Health & Human Services, Foster care gift baskets. These will be given to youth when they age out of the foster care system. Suggested items include: towels, shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, detergent, twin size sheet sets, and small alarm clocks.
Costick Center Warming Center: We are collecting individually wrapped snacks such as, granola bars, fruit snacks, cookies, chips, cases of bottled water and juice boxes.
Catholic Charities: Works of mercy. Please bring in items for hygiene kits: toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, combs, brushes, soap, shampoo, conditioner. They also need basic needs: new underwear, bras, socks, t-shirts of all sizes. What- ever size you wear, buy some and place them in the bin for Resurrection Cross and mark them for Catholic Charites.
Please place all the donated items in the marked wooden boxes in the gathering area.
The GREEN TAGS are for those who would like to make a monetary donation.
Team Farmington Special Olympics: a local organization that provides sporting opportunities for 200 area athletes with special needs. $15.00 will pay for uniform shorts, $25.00 will buy a jersey, a hockey stick, or pay for a tournament registration fee. Any amount is appreciated. Please make checks payable to Special Olympics Michigan with Team Farmington in the memo line.
US Coast Guard: Financial donations for assistance to cover costs for rent, utility bills, perishable foods, fuel, diapers and items for children for those in our area in the Coast Guard who are in need. Gift cards for grocery stores or VISA gift cards also accepted. Please make checks out to St. Fabian Church with Coast Guard assistance in the memo line.
The PINK TAGS list individuals or groups of people that you can pray for during Lent.
Please place your checks or gift cards in an envelope marked as Resurrection Cross and turn them in with the collection at Mass. These can also be turned into the Parish Office. Thank you for supporting and praying for those who are in need this Lenten Season.
Please contact Peggy Aoun at [email protected] or 248-553-4610 ext. 254 with any questions.
Another Way Pregnancy Center: baby shampoo, lotion, diaper ointment, diaper bags, baby clothes sizes 12 months-2T, diapers size 3, 4, 5, & 6, infant/baby shoes, board books, bottles, breast pumps.
Department of Health & Human Services, Foster care gift baskets. These will be given to youth when they age out of the foster care system. Suggested items include: towels, shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, detergent, twin size sheet sets, and small alarm clocks.
Costick Center Warming Center: We are collecting individually wrapped snacks such as, granola bars, fruit snacks, cookies, chips, cases of bottled water and juice boxes.
Catholic Charities: Works of mercy. Please bring in items for hygiene kits: toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, combs, brushes, soap, shampoo, conditioner. They also need basic needs: new underwear, bras, socks, t-shirts of all sizes. What- ever size you wear, buy some and place them in the bin for Resurrection Cross and mark them for Catholic Charites.
Please place all the donated items in the marked wooden boxes in the gathering area.
The GREEN TAGS are for those who would like to make a monetary donation.
Team Farmington Special Olympics: a local organization that provides sporting opportunities for 200 area athletes with special needs. $15.00 will pay for uniform shorts, $25.00 will buy a jersey, a hockey stick, or pay for a tournament registration fee. Any amount is appreciated. Please make checks payable to Special Olympics Michigan with Team Farmington in the memo line.
US Coast Guard: Financial donations for assistance to cover costs for rent, utility bills, perishable foods, fuel, diapers and items for children for those in our area in the Coast Guard who are in need. Gift cards for grocery stores or VISA gift cards also accepted. Please make checks out to St. Fabian Church with Coast Guard assistance in the memo line.
The PINK TAGS list individuals or groups of people that you can pray for during Lent.
Please place your checks or gift cards in an envelope marked as Resurrection Cross and turn them in with the collection at Mass. These can also be turned into the Parish Office. Thank you for supporting and praying for those who are in need this Lenten Season.
Please contact Peggy Aoun at [email protected] or 248-553-4610 ext. 254 with any questions.
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |