Preschool 3 Curriculum
Phone: 248-553-2750
Email: [email protected] |
The curriculum for our preschool program uses developmentally appropriate practices that encourage children’s natural curiosity, learning through play, and hands-on approaches. Our carefully planned activities engage children every day to explore, experiment, problem solve, ask questions, and collaborate to further their thinking skills and build their love for learning.
The preschool 3-year-old program is a social/play based learning environment where the children learn through play, working, and communicating with their peers. They will be introduced to the academic skills listed below through a faith-based community that is focused on promoting a wonderful start to their journey as lifelong learners.
Students will participate in learning daily prayers - Angel of God, Grace Before Meals, Hail Mary. They will also learn the sign of the cross, old and new testament stories, and about holy days and holidays – All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and honoring Mary. They will understand that Jesus loves them and that God gave us all that is good.
Students will recognize numbers 0-10, rote count to 10, and match numbers to quantities up to 10, or beyond if challenge needed. They will be beginning 1-to-1- counting skills. Throughout the year they will identify basic shapes, colors, and interact with a monthly calendar.
Science and Social Studies
For these classes, students will observe weather conditions and discuss how to dress for each weather change. They will also be able to identify basic body part recognition and function, for example, the eyes, nose, ears, etc. Exploring with various science tools will help prepare them for future learning. The students will also learn about holidays, days of remembrance, and special people and discover community helpers. While learning about rules and laws they will also practice safety drills and procedures for school/classroom.
Writing Readiness and Fine Motor Skills
Preschool 3 students will trace/print own name while exploring with writing tools that the students will learn to appropriately use. They will draw pictures to convey message with paint and various materials. Students will use scissors and glue with control, string beads and lace cards, and work with zippers, buttons, snaps, etc.
Reading Readiness
Students will recognize and begin to print their first name. They will also identify letters of the alphabet and begin to understand that letters make a special sound. Students will listen to stories, books, or poems and participate in interactive stories. They will then understand basic concepts of print (cover of the book, read top to bottom left to right, etc.).
Large Motor Skills
Throughout the year, students will develop traveling movements such as running, skipping, jumping, hopping, marching, climbing, and walking backwards. They will learn to appropriately use playground equipment, catch and throw a ball, as well as how to kick a ball. They will practice how to stand on one foot and participate in music movement activities.
Social Emotional Skills
Independently students will learn how to dress themselves and use the restroom. They will participate in group activities, and play cooperatively with peers to develop an awareness of other’s feelings. Students will develop their own self-confidence and verbalize their feelings. As students progress they work on following simple directions and have an introduction to personal information like their full name and birthday.
The preschool 3-year-old program is a social/play based learning environment where the children learn through play, working, and communicating with their peers. They will be introduced to the academic skills listed below through a faith-based community that is focused on promoting a wonderful start to their journey as lifelong learners.
Students will participate in learning daily prayers - Angel of God, Grace Before Meals, Hail Mary. They will also learn the sign of the cross, old and new testament stories, and about holy days and holidays – All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and honoring Mary. They will understand that Jesus loves them and that God gave us all that is good.
Students will recognize numbers 0-10, rote count to 10, and match numbers to quantities up to 10, or beyond if challenge needed. They will be beginning 1-to-1- counting skills. Throughout the year they will identify basic shapes, colors, and interact with a monthly calendar.
Science and Social Studies
For these classes, students will observe weather conditions and discuss how to dress for each weather change. They will also be able to identify basic body part recognition and function, for example, the eyes, nose, ears, etc. Exploring with various science tools will help prepare them for future learning. The students will also learn about holidays, days of remembrance, and special people and discover community helpers. While learning about rules and laws they will also practice safety drills and procedures for school/classroom.
Writing Readiness and Fine Motor Skills
Preschool 3 students will trace/print own name while exploring with writing tools that the students will learn to appropriately use. They will draw pictures to convey message with paint and various materials. Students will use scissors and glue with control, string beads and lace cards, and work with zippers, buttons, snaps, etc.
Reading Readiness
Students will recognize and begin to print their first name. They will also identify letters of the alphabet and begin to understand that letters make a special sound. Students will listen to stories, books, or poems and participate in interactive stories. They will then understand basic concepts of print (cover of the book, read top to bottom left to right, etc.).
Large Motor Skills
Throughout the year, students will develop traveling movements such as running, skipping, jumping, hopping, marching, climbing, and walking backwards. They will learn to appropriately use playground equipment, catch and throw a ball, as well as how to kick a ball. They will practice how to stand on one foot and participate in music movement activities.
Social Emotional Skills
Independently students will learn how to dress themselves and use the restroom. They will participate in group activities, and play cooperatively with peers to develop an awareness of other’s feelings. Students will develop their own self-confidence and verbalize their feelings. As students progress they work on following simple directions and have an introduction to personal information like their full name and birthday.
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |