Grade 7 Curriculum
Phone: 248-553-2750
Email: [email protected] |
The seventh grade program at St. Fabian Catholic School follows the standards of the Archdiocese of Detroit. The program is designed to meet the spiritual, social, emotional, academic and physical needs of the child. All core classes and special subjects, such as physical education, Spanish, music, media, computers, and art, are taught by teachers who specialize in those areas.
Over the course of the year, the 7th grade will focus on the Gospels, the trinity, and being disciples of Christ. The primary textbook is the Break Through! Bible from St. Mary’s press with other supplementary materials.
Over the course seventh grade, we will be using EnVision Math 2.0. This year we will be visiting topics such as integers and rational numbers, proportionality, percentages, solving equations and inequalities, probability, and geometry.
Seventh graders will be learning physical science through FOSS. Physical science explores physics, chemistry, and astronomy. The topics covered in this class include energy, matter, forces, chemical reactions, and waves. Seventh grade will also be involved in Science Fair this year. They will work on their projects from November-January and will showcase them at our school’s Open House.
Social Studies
Over the course of the seventh grade we will be using Oakland School’s MAISA and a supplement of the Catholic Textbook Project’s Light to the Nations. This year we will be using the five themes of geography (location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region) to study many of the countries in the eastern hemisphere; with special emphasis placed on the history and cultures of the major empires including China, India, and the Middle East. Additionally, each day as a class we will view and discuss CNN 10 (formally CNN Student News) to keep up to date with daily current events. Each student will research a current or historical issue of public policy and compose a persuasive essay suggesting possible solutions and an action plan to address or inform others about the issue.
In seventh grade, the text used Warriner’s Handbook Course by Holt. Throughout the year, students will cover the conventions of standard English which include punctuation, capitalization, nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, injections, prepositions, diagramming sentences including modifiers and verbals, and a special emphasis on simple, compound, complex, compound-complex sentences. Students will produce various types of writing including: informative texts, narrative pieces, personal experience essays and a research report.
Over the course seventh grade, we will be using Glencoe’s Literature: The Reader’s Choice book, course 2; as well as A Wrinkle in Time, A Christmas Carol, Stargirl and a class choice of a historical fiction novel. This year we will be visiting topics such as the elements of realistic fiction, science fiction, drama, folk tales, literary devices, and how to analyze a story, poem, or nonfiction text, as well as comparing literature. They will also explore various styles of writing including poetry and literary analysis essays. Each student also completes six independent reading books and studies.
Over the course of the year, the 7th grade will focus on the Gospels, the trinity, and being disciples of Christ. The primary textbook is the Break Through! Bible from St. Mary’s press with other supplementary materials.
Over the course seventh grade, we will be using EnVision Math 2.0. This year we will be visiting topics such as integers and rational numbers, proportionality, percentages, solving equations and inequalities, probability, and geometry.
Seventh graders will be learning physical science through FOSS. Physical science explores physics, chemistry, and astronomy. The topics covered in this class include energy, matter, forces, chemical reactions, and waves. Seventh grade will also be involved in Science Fair this year. They will work on their projects from November-January and will showcase them at our school’s Open House.
Social Studies
Over the course of the seventh grade we will be using Oakland School’s MAISA and a supplement of the Catholic Textbook Project’s Light to the Nations. This year we will be using the five themes of geography (location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region) to study many of the countries in the eastern hemisphere; with special emphasis placed on the history and cultures of the major empires including China, India, and the Middle East. Additionally, each day as a class we will view and discuss CNN 10 (formally CNN Student News) to keep up to date with daily current events. Each student will research a current or historical issue of public policy and compose a persuasive essay suggesting possible solutions and an action plan to address or inform others about the issue.
In seventh grade, the text used Warriner’s Handbook Course by Holt. Throughout the year, students will cover the conventions of standard English which include punctuation, capitalization, nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, injections, prepositions, diagramming sentences including modifiers and verbals, and a special emphasis on simple, compound, complex, compound-complex sentences. Students will produce various types of writing including: informative texts, narrative pieces, personal experience essays and a research report.
Over the course seventh grade, we will be using Glencoe’s Literature: The Reader’s Choice book, course 2; as well as A Wrinkle in Time, A Christmas Carol, Stargirl and a class choice of a historical fiction novel. This year we will be visiting topics such as the elements of realistic fiction, science fiction, drama, folk tales, literary devices, and how to analyze a story, poem, or nonfiction text, as well as comparing literature. They will also explore various styles of writing including poetry and literary analysis essays. Each student also completes six independent reading books and studies.
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |