Get Into the FFAD - Fast for Amendment Defeat
What better way can we serve our Lord than to fast and pray for a day to save the lives of babies yet to be born. God knows these little ones. He loves each and every one of them. Proposal 3 is a bad law. It is very vague and leaves too many things open to interpretation. We have been quiet way too long. Our Mother Mary has welcomed over 60,000,000 souls to heaven, which is the result of abortions.
These babies are the little Lazarus’s of today. We have a choice to be like the rich man and ignore them or offer these most precious children our prayers and support.
The month of October is Right to Life month. A time to reflect on this aspect of our faith. Many of you may not know that I had four sons with my husband John. Less of you will know that we experienced two miscarriag- es; one early in the pregnancy and the other as I was approaching the 4th month of the pregnancy. They were both exceedingly difficult times in our lives. Life is so very precious. These two children have never been forgot- ten. I know one day we will meet them in heaven. They are not little an- gels, but young saints God called home early. Each October, I remember them fondly and ask them to pray for their brothers and their Mom and Dad. We love them very much. They have four brothers. Their oldest brother John went home and met them in 2018. He was 36 years young. It was a hard time for us in our family; many prayers and many tears for many days. But I knew he was meeting his siblings and that gave me some solace. Today, I continue to ask the three of them to pray for us. We are family and have of the love of Christ our Lord and Savior to unite us.
Knowing, no matter when we come into this world and when we leave this world, we have been Loved and Created by God. He knew us, all of us, before we were born, while we were being formed in our mom’s womb. This is a truth we cannot deny. We have been so deeply loved and creat- ed in the likeness and image of God. Every one of us is a gift for this world from the moment of conception until the moment we are called home. God is calling us to speak up for His children. If not us, then who?
I have been so blessed. God has revealed some of the depths of His love for us. We will not fully know the depth of His love until we meet him face to face. Please join me in fasting and praying for the defeat of proposal 3. This state constitutional amendment is evil.
I am asking for your help. We are looking to have people from our St. Fabian family Fast- ing and Praying for the defeat of this amend- ment. If you would like to join me in fasting and prayer, please sign up on a day or two or three days that work for you. Our goal is to have several people praying every day until after the election on November 8. To sign up, click on this link.
Peggy Aoun
These babies are the little Lazarus’s of today. We have a choice to be like the rich man and ignore them or offer these most precious children our prayers and support.
The month of October is Right to Life month. A time to reflect on this aspect of our faith. Many of you may not know that I had four sons with my husband John. Less of you will know that we experienced two miscarriag- es; one early in the pregnancy and the other as I was approaching the 4th month of the pregnancy. They were both exceedingly difficult times in our lives. Life is so very precious. These two children have never been forgot- ten. I know one day we will meet them in heaven. They are not little an- gels, but young saints God called home early. Each October, I remember them fondly and ask them to pray for their brothers and their Mom and Dad. We love them very much. They have four brothers. Their oldest brother John went home and met them in 2018. He was 36 years young. It was a hard time for us in our family; many prayers and many tears for many days. But I knew he was meeting his siblings and that gave me some solace. Today, I continue to ask the three of them to pray for us. We are family and have of the love of Christ our Lord and Savior to unite us.
Knowing, no matter when we come into this world and when we leave this world, we have been Loved and Created by God. He knew us, all of us, before we were born, while we were being formed in our mom’s womb. This is a truth we cannot deny. We have been so deeply loved and creat- ed in the likeness and image of God. Every one of us is a gift for this world from the moment of conception until the moment we are called home. God is calling us to speak up for His children. If not us, then who?
I have been so blessed. God has revealed some of the depths of His love for us. We will not fully know the depth of His love until we meet him face to face. Please join me in fasting and praying for the defeat of proposal 3. This state constitutional amendment is evil.
I am asking for your help. We are looking to have people from our St. Fabian family Fast- ing and Praying for the defeat of this amend- ment. If you would like to join me in fasting and prayer, please sign up on a day or two or three days that work for you. Our goal is to have several people praying every day until after the election on November 8. To sign up, click on this link.
Peggy Aoun
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |