Feeding Our Friends
This year St. Fabian will not be hosting our families as we would in a normal year but will “Feed our Friends” who would have been here during the week of November 27 – December 4, 2021. “Feeding our Friends (aka. Housing the Homeless) Week” is an opportunity for us to work together as family. Sharing what we have with others will draw us together as family too. We are working with a nonprofit organization in Detroit who continues to offer a warm place to sleep, hot breakfast and dinner, spiritual growth opportunities, professional skills training, and social opportunities in the Cass Community.
This year, every morning we will have people meeting in our kitchen at 5 AM to fix breakfast that will be delivered to the shelter and others will be meeting in the afternoons or evenings to prepare dinners for them as well. Listed below are the sign ups to help every day in every way. You may not be able to help fix the food here but can help provide our food needs each day. There is a Signup Genius for that too!
If interested in helping for breakfast or dinners, follow the links below, or please contact Peggy Aoun: [email protected], or 248-553-4610 ext. 254. We have many opportunities in which you, and your family can serve this ministry, and it is successful year after year because of the “all hands-on deck” community outpouring that St. Fabian is famous for!
Make your donation to support our efforts here: https://ppay.co/nZ4L-hleEOk
Thank you for whatever way God is inspiring you to help with this. We are truly being called to be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus. You will be making a difference in the lives of 100 people.
> Help for Breakfast Everyday <
> Dinner Help for Tuesday <
> Dinner Help for Wednesday <
> Dinner Help for Thursday <
Dinner Help for Friday is Filled! Thank you!
> Help to Supply Food for Our Friends <
This year, every morning we will have people meeting in our kitchen at 5 AM to fix breakfast that will be delivered to the shelter and others will be meeting in the afternoons or evenings to prepare dinners for them as well. Listed below are the sign ups to help every day in every way. You may not be able to help fix the food here but can help provide our food needs each day. There is a Signup Genius for that too!
If interested in helping for breakfast or dinners, follow the links below, or please contact Peggy Aoun: [email protected], or 248-553-4610 ext. 254. We have many opportunities in which you, and your family can serve this ministry, and it is successful year after year because of the “all hands-on deck” community outpouring that St. Fabian is famous for!
Make your donation to support our efforts here: https://ppay.co/nZ4L-hleEOk
Thank you for whatever way God is inspiring you to help with this. We are truly being called to be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus. You will be making a difference in the lives of 100 people.
> Help for Breakfast Everyday <
> Dinner Help for Tuesday <
> Dinner Help for Wednesday <
> Dinner Help for Thursday <
Dinner Help for Friday is Filled! Thank you!
> Help to Supply Food for Our Friends <
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |