Phone: 248-553-2750
Email: [email protected] |
About Me
I completed 3 separate long terms in 2 public school districts prior to working at St. Fabian. Two of those long-terms were middle school social studies, and one was in English and science. I am in my second year at St. Fabian teaching middle school social studies. I have worked with children for 7 years. I started as an arts camp counselor at a local camp and have also been a manager there as well. This past summer, I helped run the camp as director for campers aged 3-14, and oversaw counselors starting at age 16.
From the Middle School Social Studies Teacher
In my classroom, we use a combination of Oakland Schools Atlas curriculum with educational practices from Harvard's Project Zero thinking routines. These two programs allow me to create differentiated lessons for all students. I have a love for educational technology, and we often use different websites and programs in class to investigate and dive deeper into social studies topics. Some of these websites include but are not limited to: Book Creator, MapMaker, and Google Sites for project-based learning, Study Stack, Gimkit, and Peardeck Flashcard Factory for review, and iCivics for interactive civics games. I love having students utilize project-based learning in various ways in the classroom, as this allows them to interact with social studies topics in a deeper and meaningful way. My educational philosophy is equity, democracy, and Project Zero's educational innovation - this allows me to support students one at a time, which creates a sense of culture and community in the classroom.
In 6th grade, our focus is on geography. In 7th grade, our focus is on ancient world history and cultures. And finally, in 8th grade, our focus is on U.S. history - we start in the Revolutionary Era, and end the year at the Civil War. |
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |