Saturday & Sunday, January 25 & 26 (Celebrating Our Parish)
- Students are invited to attend Saturday or Sunday Mass wearing school uniform
- Student Ambassadors will attend Mass and thank the parish community for their support
- Wear everything blue in support of the March for Life!
- Knights of Columbus sponsored Pancake Breakfast- (8:15-8:45 am PreS3, PreK4, & 4) (8:50-9:20 am grades K,1,5,6) (9:25-10:00 am grades 2,3,7,8) NJHS will help the Knights
- Bring in a box or multiple boxes of cereal for a food drive donation
- PA Bingo at 2:30 pm sponsored by the Student Council
- Wear your flannel, cowboy boots, hats, and giant belt buckles to school!
- Teacher lunch hosted to PTG in social hall
- Students should give a card or letter of appreciation to their teachers
- Wear USA Apparel: red, white, or blue - No face paint or hair coloring
- Book Fair for students during the day
- Wear your CSW t-shirt or regular uniform!
- Career Day!
- Bring in brand new baby items from the Mary Mantle!
- NJHS representatives to Cathedral for CSW Mass
- TG sponsored Ice Cream Social in Cafeteria from 3:15-4
- (Students MUST be accompanied by parent)
- Book Fair open during social to purchase books as a family
- (Students MUST be accompanied by parent)
- School Uniform for Mass; First Responders invited to join us
- Knights of Columbus 6th Grade CSW Essay Contest Winners Awarded after Mass
St. Fabian Catholic Church
32200 W. Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-553-4610 [email protected] Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5:30pm |